New pictures of Gracie!
We've been waiting eagerly for new pictures and here they are! Check out our beautiful daughter! We really love this first one.

Little Gracie is seven weeks old now. She's already changed quite a bit from those first photos. Misti (one of the people taking care of her) says she is really sweet and easy to care for. She enjoys playing with Gracie's hair, as you can see in those last two pictures! Gracie is stylin' already with her little mohawk!

We recently sent a box over for Gracie with some outfits and booties, a stuffed animal, a blanket, and a picture of us that they can put in her crib. We even sent a tape with us talking, singing, and reading stories to her. They like to play those for the children over there, so they can start to get used to the parents' voices before they even meet them.
Everyone keeps asking us when we get to go get her. Right now, we are waiting on our home study to be finalized. Then that will be translated into Chinese and there will be much more paperwork to get through both governments. We keep thinking we will be going over around March, but it really could be anytime from March to May. We are hoping for it to be as soon as possible!
We know you all are waiting and praying with us. Thank you, and we love you all!

Little Gracie is seven weeks old now. She's already changed quite a bit from those first photos. Misti (one of the people taking care of her) says she is really sweet and easy to care for. She enjoys playing with Gracie's hair, as you can see in those last two pictures! Gracie is stylin' already with her little mohawk!

We recently sent a box over for Gracie with some outfits and booties, a stuffed animal, a blanket, and a picture of us that they can put in her crib. We even sent a tape with us talking, singing, and reading stories to her. They like to play those for the children over there, so they can start to get used to the parents' voices before they even meet them.
Everyone keeps asking us when we get to go get her. Right now, we are waiting on our home study to be finalized. Then that will be translated into Chinese and there will be much more paperwork to get through both governments. We keep thinking we will be going over around March, but it really could be anytime from March to May. We are hoping for it to be as soon as possible!
We know you all are waiting and praying with us. Thank you, and we love you all!
At 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Seth and Laura,
Gracie is so beautiful!!! She's getting cuter the older she gets (if that is possible). My favorite picture was the last one-hehe!! As you know, Laura, I cannot wait until she gets here. She is gonna be the most loved baby in the entire world :) Love you guys and you are in my prayers.
At 9:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Laura and Seth, we are so happy to have another Wolfy to Cherish and to LOVE. We are also thrilled she looks more like Laura than Seth. Cant wait to hold Her and spoil Her. Were praying your trip is as soon as possible. We LOVE you all, Danny Ray & Debbie Ray...
At 7:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Seth and Laura~
Guess what baby Gracie looks just like Sarah when she was a baby in Taiwan. We have a video that you might enjoy seeing of Sarah when she was 3 months old. You would be amazed. You are in our prayers. Love The Peterson's
At 7:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
Seth and Laura~
I'm so glad/very very happy that you guys are going to adopt at Taiwan!!!!
My mom said " Sarah Gracie looks just like you when you were little." I can't wait to meet little Gracie. I'll probably play with her a lot. We'll keep you in our prayers!
Sarah Peterson/Jing-Jye
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